
Below is a list of each of the Kata's in the Shotokan System. A video demonstration is featured for each kata as well as the English translation for each kata.

Kyu Katas

Taikyoku Shodan

First Cause

Heian Shodan

Peaceful Mind 1

Heian Nidan

Peaceful Mind 2

Heian Sandan

Peaceful Mind 3

Heian Yondan

Peaceful Mind 4

Heian Godan

Peaceful Mind 5

Tekki Shodan

Iron Horse 1, or Horse Riding 1

Class A Katas

Bassai Dai

Big or greater: To Penetrate a Fortress, To Storm a Fortress, or Extract from a Fortress


Flying Swallow, FLight of the Swallow, or Swallow Flight

Kanku Dai

Big or Greater: Looking to the Sky, or Sky Viewing


Crescent Moon or Half Moon

Tekki Nidan

Iron Horse 2 or Horse Riding 2

Class B Katas


Crane on a Rock


A Proper Name, Temple Bell, or Love and Goodness


Ten Hands

Tekki Sandan

Iron Horse 3, or Horse Riding 3

Class C Katas

Bassai Sho

Small or lesser: To Penetrate a Fortress, To Storm a Fortress, or Extract from a Fortress


Strange Hand, Chinese Hande, or Incredible Hands

Kanku Sho

Small or Lesser: Looking to the Sky, or Sky Viewing


Twenty-four Steps, or Twenty-four Directions


Immovable & Rooted, or Tranquil Force

Class D Katas

Gojushiho Sho

Small or Lesser: Fifty-four Steps, or Fifty-four Directions

Gojushiho Dai

Big or Greater: Fifty-four Steps, or Fifty-four Directions


Cloud Hands, Hands in the Clouds, or Separating the Clouds

Unclassified Katas


Temple Grounds, or Love & Shadow


Bright Mirror, mirror of the Soul, Cleaning a Mirror, or Polished Mirror


King's Crown or Emperor's Crown